



皆様は『ARMORED CORE VERDICT DAY』の財団が好きですか? わたしは大好きです(迫真)。「ゲームキャラクター誰が好き?」って訊かれたら、財団が一番好きです。財団推しです。よろしくおねがいします。


 今回は、 大昔(三年前)に当方がSound Cloud にアップロードした北米版『ARMORED CORE VERDICT DAY』財団のダイアログをご紹介します。Twitter旧垢で紹介していたのですが、アカウント消しちゃったし、Sound Cloud 普段使わないもので、すぐどっか行っちゃうんだよな……とぼやいていたのですが、「じゃあブログに貼っておけばいいじゃん」とおもいつき、今に至ります。めっちゃ今更。




勿論財団のCPUボイスも課金しました。最早財団が励ましてくれないと出撃できない(甘え)。起動する度に "Let's wreak some havoc! (一緒に滅茶苦茶にしようじゃないか)" って言ってくるんですよこいつ、可愛くないですか。可愛いですよね。ご理解頂けて幸いです。テンションがブチ上がっている普段の財団の Normal 版、そしてまさにナニカサレたかのように理知的で落ち着いた Computarized 版のギャップ萌えはすごいぞ。ほんとにオススメ。絶対好きになるとおもいます予言しておきます。

↑ CPUボイスも採ってきました。どうぞ。


北米版財団 The Foundation

 さて、北米版の「財団」はそのまま、「The Foundation」です。化粧品じゃないよ、財団だよ。声優さんはまさかの大御所、 Cam Clarke 氏

「誰だよ……アメリカの声優なんて知らねえよ……」とお思いのそこのあなた。Cam Clarke 氏はリキッド・スネークや、ミュージカル映画版『スヌーピー』の題名役の中の人です。「財団がスヌーピー!?!」ってかんじすぎますが……、財団とスヌーピーって似て……似てない……?(色が……)。 わたしは啓蒙が高いので、スヌーピー見る度に「実質財団じゃん」っておもっていますよ、ええ(ガンギマリ)。


↑ こちら、ミュージカル映画版『スヌーピー』です。2:35~ からスヌーピー@Cam Clarke 氏がオープニングソングを歌ってます。又、31:58~ からスヌーピーがずっと喋ったり歌ったりするシーンが続くので、ここもオススメ。単純に歌が上手い(わざとヘタに歌う演技も上手い)。ちなみに歌のCDとかも普通に出していたりする。









Data acquired. What do you think?

I don't know.
Not much to speak of, but...

We will eliminate anyone with potential.
That is the plan, after all.

Right on time. You mercs are punctual.

I have one question. I see that thing you've there.
Who are you with? Are you with the Foundation?

Your task is simple. I want you to pit yourselves against our weapon.
This "thing", as you put it.

That's not an answer.

We're using live rounds, so defeat could mean your death.
Be prepared.
The bout ends as soon as one side is taken out of action.
We'll supply a UNAC to fight with you.
It woudn't be a fair fight otherwise.

What are your intentions?
What do you have to gain from challenging us?

Enough talk. Let's begin. Good luck.

You actually won? Who is that mercenary?

Disapointed that a mere mercenary suvived?
Or are you worried about the money?

Don't worry. You'll get your fee. I have the data I need.

What sort of a test is this, anyway?
You starting another war with those things?

You ask too many questions.

Fine. We're going, then. Later.

Do as you wish with the images you secretly took.
They are not part of our contract.
You've been snooping around a lot, I hear.
Try not tarnish your mercenary credentuals, Blue Margnolia.

Duly noted.

Welcome back. Ah, such tenacity.
Now your legend can begin again.
You seek that Reaper, hmm? The one you were defeated by.
Or is me you want? Anything goes, as long as destruction is wrought.
I thought that merenary would be the one.
But your will to fight, oh, it intrigues me.

Well, that's that, I guess. A bit of an anticlimax.
In the course of this war, I've eliminated 51 candidates.
She'll bring my total to 52.
There's nobody left worth mentioning, except you.
And now, it's your turn to die.

You! What the hell do you want?

God has it all wrong. Mankind will destroy the world all by itself.

Amazing. This has exceeded my expectations!
Perhaps you are curious of the UNAC's purpose.
I sent them out to learn the potential of the human race, and gather intel.
I will challenge you, and strike you down.
The human race is beyond hope.
I'll prove this to you.

Aren't you human? What are you?

Oh, I'm human. Or at least I was.

Report your status, J.

All good.

You have knowledge and experience gained from walking countless battlefields, and now you are armed with combat date from the UNACs.
And top of that, this craft will ensure your victory.

You seek a world of endless war and destruction.
On that we can agree.
The world of order built by the Three Forces is not one I can live in.

And so you abandoned manking to destroy it?

There is no place for me other than the battlefield.
To live as I please, and die a senseless death.
That is who I am. Not a mere man of fleash.
War is part of my existence.

No... It can't be...
Is that what you wanted me to say?
All is proceeding as planned.

Generator output climbing. Operarion, pattern 2.

There machines have brought destruction upon the world in the past.
The Dark Raven is nothing but an absurd myth, just like hope for mankind.
Mankind will be destroyed by its own hand.

Enough words. They are meaningless now.
Show me what you can do.

Are you happy now? You're the one lying broken.

I refuse to belive that mankind has hope.
I will never forgive the filthy world that destroyed my life, and everything in it.
My weapons are already in action. The towers power them.
They will continue on without me.
The battle for the towers has begun. It will continue until all is in ruin.
But if you think you are different... Then carry on.
You have that right and responsibillity.

That's exactly what we'll do. As long as er can still fight.



 以上になります! 北米でも財団の可愛さは留まるところを知らないということがよくわかりますね。ありがとうございます。

 ACキャラクターといえば、ビジュアルデザインもなく、設定も少ないことでお馴染み。「何故そんなに財団が好きなんだ」とよく訊かれるんですが、わたしは財団の努力家なところが一番好きですね。財団って凄い努力家だとおもいませんか? あの子、人間だった時代(『Armored Core Forgotten Day』のアイザック)から150年もACとファンタズマビーイングの研究してるんですよ、ぼっちで。150年。そりゃあ「イカレ野郎」になってもおかしくないじゃないですか。頑張りすぎてヘンになっちゃっただけなんですよ、"ヘンなの"だけに。というか彼、人間時代の名前「アイザック」なんですよね。「アイザック」って「笑う」って意味ですよ。いや、作中大爆笑していますけれども、よりによって、という感じがしませんか。元を正せばただの人間のアイザック君ですよ。「人間の可能性を信じない」とか言っていますが、ACFDを見るに、アイザックというひとりの人間としての人生を破壊されたことを彼は受け入れられなかっただけなんですよ。自分の人生を誰よりも慈しんでいたわけじゃないですか。エモい。どんなに思想がねじくれていようが、150年それ一本でやってきたんだからその想いはもう本物です。勿論、小物に見せかけてガチの黒幕なところなんかも可愛いですし、あの笑い方も最高ですね。


